Ned McKenzie Celebration Website

Aunt Jo Ann & Uncle Leo said:   April 23rd, 2009 7:06 pm

Ned is now in the loving care of his creator and has been welcomed home. His earthly health concerns are over and is living in eternal bliss and probably entertaining others. A heartfelt thanks goes to Ned for the excellent care he gave his dad (my brother) these last years. Ned spent his life entertaining and helping others regardless of the task. In addition to his musical talent, Ned was employed as a skilled stone mason and brick layer. He was very knowledgible of wood working and an excellent cook. He leaves behind many mementos and beautiful memories that can never be erased. He is missed by his aunts and many cousins. God Bless. Uncle Leo


Jeff Swan said:   April 23rd, 2009 4:01 pm

I picture you with a friendly smile and a kind word. I have a wonderful picture of you tinkering with a radio control airplane. That was the image I always had of you, always doing something with your time, never idle. Ever since we left Layhill Farm, that's how I've lived my life, and I often think of you when a project is completed. Last Christmas, at the Layhill party, I was blessed to receive on of your handmade spoons. (My second!) I was fascinated as you described the process for making it. It sits on display in my office. I will treasure it as I treasure the memories of your music, your stories, and your smile. My life was infinitely better for having known you my friend. I know God must have needed you to have taken you so early. Peace brother, I hope I make it to heaven so I can see you again.


Betsy said: April 23rd, 2009 3:33 pm

Ned, There is so much I would like to say, and yet nothing that need be said, because in these last 35 years there was nothing between you and I left unspoken. You were the soft, little light tucked away in the corner of my being that always kept me warm. Shine on, my love, shine on. Betsy


JIll Langin said:   April 23rd, 2009 2:21 pm

ooooooh the good old days,friend. peace and love.


Eric Johnson said:   April 23rd, 2009 2:14 pm

Ned, I think I first met you when I was about 15 years old, and you had an incredible impact on my life. You taught me much about music, and through music about life. You were family to me. I tried to tell you that once, but we had both been drinking and I don't think you believed me. I'll have to tell you again. While most people think about making nice things for their friends, you actually made them. A hero, if you ask me. Can't wait to sing with you again!


Kendell C. Snedden said:  April 23rd, 2009 1:03 pm

Ned, (Jim as I knew you.) What a shock! What a lost to our whole would. But what an added luagh and joy to the relms of heaven. As far as I'm conserned, there was never a finer brick mason. Never a more pleasant co-worker. Nor a more relyable friend. Thank you for the years of service you gave Snedden Brothers Constuction Co.. Thank you for the exspert help in Cleavland TENN. for 6 months. You will be so missed here. I look forward to what you will have crearted for the rest of us when we join you. I'm sure it will be astounding, with you creating and working under perfect conditions. Give the Big Guy a hug for me. and tell Him to talk a little louder to me. I'm getting a little deaf now, and I'm still knot headed.


john spencer said: April 23rd, 2009 11:44 am

I remember: sand& lime 8" piers,tan corduroy jacket with western shirt with pearl buttons,mercury cougar with glass-pacs, hammock under the magnolia tree, sunrises on a scaffold at red gate,you and caleb picking in the front room long after everyone had gone to bed,roasting frank and the pigtoral, the pick-up dump truck, water coil in the woodstove,the day the hot air ballon landed and we went up on a tether line and took pics of the house,shooting skeets at a gemini party, blue shirt with embroidery and linda with the sunshine in her hair. Honesty, Integrity, Hardworking. I am humbled by your memory, grateful for the times we lived together, but mostly honered that you called me Brother. May God,s grace smile on you! john


Mary Jo Strong Burkett (Margaret) said:   April 23rd, 2009 9:45 am

Ned's loving personality and smile will be missed by many. What a great caregiver for Uncle Paul. Know that I am thinking of Ned and the family. My prayers are of peace and comfort for all of you.


Jim Harrington said: April 23rd, 2009 9:15 am

I also feel the lost of an old friend from the good old days in Olney Maryland. I was hoping you were going to come down to the eastern shore again as I saw you years ago. I will chreeish the memories of our Yellow truck days.


Michelle McKenzie-Duncan said:   April 23rd, 2009 8:59 am

Wish I knew him better. Mike McKenzie's daughter (Ambrose)